Training Services

Recoll offers a wide range of technical training in its fields of competence (collage, characterisation, polymers, sol-gel,…) for more than 15 years to operators, technicians and engineers.

The expertise of recoll in the field of training is mainly recognized in the field of collage. Recoll is, in fact, the only French training centre authorised to carry out European qualifying training in the field of gluing according to the specifications of DIN 6701-2. These qualifying trainings allow to obtain the diplomas of operators (EAB EWF 515), specialists (EAS EWF 516) in collage and engineer in collage (AIS EWF 517) under the aegis of the French Association of welding (AFS), representative in France EWF (European Welding Federation). Recoll has been providing these trainings since 2009 and has already trained more than 150 operators and 70 specialists. Since 2017, Recoll has now proposed the formation of a collage engineer (AIS EWF 517).

In addition to these qualifying trainings in the field of collage, Recoll offers a wide catalogue of trainings that revolve around the collage, the characterization of polymer materials, the technology of surfaces or even fire. Recoll can also perform on-demand and tailor-made training on its expertise topics.

Check out the details of the different trainings by visiting our catalogue.

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Collage qualifiante (DIN 6701-2)

Opérateur colleur européen EWF 515-01, Spécialiste européen en collage EWF 516-01, Ingénieur européen en collage EWF 517-01

Collage industriel

Collage pour opérateurs, assemblage par collage

Caractérisation des matériaux

Caractérisation mécanique des plastiques, composites et assemblages collés, analyse thermodynamique des polymères par DMA, analyse et caractérisation des polymères, durabilité des polymères

Comportement au feu des matériaux

Calendrier des Sessions

Téléchargez le catalogue complet de nos formations 2024 ! CLIQUEZ ICI