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SPIDIMAN – 7th framework program (fp7) : Rescoll was in Austria to start the development of new sensor technology

Rescoll’Blog / 7 janvier 2013

SPIDIMAN Partners @ Graz for KOMThe 10th and 11th of December, RESCOLL was present at the SPIDIMAN Kick-off Meeting in Graz. During these 2 days, the project partners discussed and defined the milestones of this fp7 project. SPIDIMAN, which an acronym for Single-Port Insulin Infusion for Improved Diabetes Management, will lead to the development of a new generation of artificial pancreas. SPIDIMAN gets together with technical and medical partners:

  • JOANNEUM Research, SPIDIMAN project manager, which will ensure the sensor development.
  • BioNanoNet that will coordinate the project.
  • RESCOLL that will develop the sensitive coating by surface functionalization via sol-gel process.
  • AKIRA Technologies that will design a device to manufacture the coating.
  • PYRO SCIENCE and PROFIL that will ensure the data integration by optical measurement.
  • CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY that will model and design algorithm to improve glycaemic measurement efficiency.

And for medical ones:

  • MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ that will bring its expertise on adult diabetes research. They will perform the sensor in vivo evaluation.
  • CENTRE HOSPITALIER DU LUXEMBOURG, specialized in paediatric research, which will evaluate the sensor on kid.

This multi-partner project will lead to the development of a new surface treatment and glucose-sensitive fluorescent coating technology applied onto a standard insulin catheter and incorporated into a single-port artificial pancreas system. Advanced optical continuous glucose monitoring technology (smart tattoos) with improved sensor accuracy, faster response times, wider dynamic range and higher signal stability will advance diabetes management by reducing hypo- and hyperglycaemic episodes. SPIDIMAN will thus pave the way for a single-port device that integrates improved glucose measurement and more accurate insulin delivery to provide better glycaemic management in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. The new device is expected to be particularly suitable for patients in childhood and adolescence, which will form a special focus of the project.

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