Analysis and testing

With more than 20 years of experience in conducting analyses and tests as well as studies for a wide range of industrial activities, Recoll carries out expertise and audits in the context of disputes, failures or technical problems. On manufacturing products or processes.

Our expertise
The head of the "Analysis Laboratory" department, Dr. Isabelle Coco, is a forensic expert near the Court of Appeal of Bordeaux for disputes concerning areas such as chemistry, building, materials,… As a sapiteur, she also puts her skills and the equipment park in her laboratory of analysis at the service of other forensic Experts, insurance and police services and gendarmerie.

Technical audits
Carrying out technical studies of innovation for years for various industrial sectors, the engineers of Recoll are able to bring you an external look and a recognized expertise in cases of technical failures of your Manufacturing products or processes. Technical audits are carried out on site at the request of industrial customers and affect areas ranging from the implementation of gluing processes to the manufacture of various technical products.