Recherche Rescoll - Rescoll en Europe

RESCOLL participates in European project SAFEPROTEX

Rescoll’Blog / 3 janvier 2012

The concept of the SAFEPROTEX project lies in the development of protective uniforms, incorporating multiple protective properties and designated for rescue teams under complex risky conditions met in various types of everyday emergency operations.
Technological developments and climatic changes have both led to a large increase in the hazards to which humans are exposed. Since a garment or a uniform constitutes the safety barrier between the wearer and the source of potential injury, its characteristics will determine the degree of injury suffered in case of an accident or an emergency operation. The steady evolution of health & safety requirements to respond to new types of risks makes it necessary to develop new innovative products and to ensure their reliability. Indeed, the range of hazards and the means of combating them continue to grow and become ever more complex. Emergency teams are trained to face operations varying from small scale or wild land fires, extreme weather incidents and other complicated situations. Even in a given emergency operation, rescue teams are exposed to a variety of risks. Flood cleanup workers, for example, face variable hazards in flood waters that, in addition to obvious hazards such as water permeation, may also include sewage, household chemicals and cleaning solutions, petroleum products, hazardous industrial chemicals, pesticides, and flammable liquids.

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