
The field of railway construction requires materials and systems to be ever more innovative, reliable and robust. Technological advances are also made in the manufacturing process.

Normative standards differ in comparison with the aeronautical sector, but the requirements meet. Studies and tests are therefore feasible with the same equipment and the same skills. The objectives of mechanical dress, weight gain, fire resistance, electronic reliability, are identical and problems of wear or degradation related to the frequency of passage of users (floors, seats, ramps) must be added.

The railway industry is increasingly using composite materials. Recoll describes these materials and carries out all the tests required by the most requested repositories in this field.

In particular, Recoll, accredited laboratory COFRAC (COFRAC accreditation N ° 1-1995) carries out all the tests of the standard NF F 01-281:

The mechanical tests know +

  • ISO 14125:3-point bending before and after treatment with boiling water
  • NF EN ISO 4624: Traction adhesion pulling out of stud
  • NF EN ISO 2409: Adhesion by grid test
  • NF T 57-106: Barcol hardness
  • NF EN 438-2: Resistance to chipping by ball drop and Taber stripe
  • NF EN ISO 7784: Taber Abrasion

Physico-Chemical tests: Learn more

  • NF EN ISO 75-2: Deflection temperature under load (HDT)
  • NF X 08-014: color and colour fastness
  • NF en ISO 7822: vacuum content by fire loss
  • ISO 11357-5: Degree of polymerization (DSC)
  • ISO 11357-5: Vitreous Transition Determination (DSC)

Aging Accélérésen Know +

    • NF EN ISO 4892-2: Exposure to laboratory light sources
    • DVS 1618: Ageing of mastics used in rail
    • NF EN ISO 9227: Salt Mist
    • NF EN ISO 4628-8: Assessment of the degradation of coatings (corrosion)

Fire tests: en 45545 (orientation) Learn more

  • ISO 5660-1: Measurement of MAHRE
  • ISO 5659-2: Smoke density
  • ISO 5659-2: Smoke toxicity (ITCG)
  • ISO 4589-2: Oxygen Index

Tests according to the requirements: R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R9, R10, R11, R12, R17, R19, R21 and R24