RESCOLL : Invitation to the Closure WorkShop of FP7 Greenlion project
Rescoll’Blog / 7 octobre 2015 Please find below the invitation to the Closure WorkShop of FP7 Greenlion project:
"Dear colleague,
Let me send you some words about the closure Workshop of FP7 Greenlion project, that we, CIDETEC, are organizing here in San Sebastian, Spain.
Together with the project final review meeting, a public Workshop will be organized to celebrate the closing of Greenlion project. The one-day public Workshop on the 29th of October will include a poster session and several talks on EV batteries. As gathered in the Workshop agenda, the event will try to cover both the research and industrial perspective.
Greenlion is a quite multidisciplinary project in which there have been developments at electrode, cell and battery module level. Therefore, almost any step of the value chain of lithium or post-lithium based battery technology could have room in the poster session. We are interested in your chemical approach to this field, but also in your electrical, mechanical or thermal engineering approach.
We invite you to attend the Workshop and participate in the poster session!
If you find that this could be an opportunity to show your developments to a highly interested and experienced audience, please fill in the registration template before the 14th of October.
Looking forward to meeting you there."
cidetec • closure workshop • fp7 • greenlion • project