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RESCOLL: When Innovation rhymes with Collaboration

Rescoll’Blog / 9 mars 2018

Rescoll is a champion in collaborative R&D. Specialized in developing and testing different polymer materials, the company recently bought a manufacturing plant and is diversifying its business model.

The researchers of Rescoll love working together. “We actually have 19 collaborative projects. Eleven with French partners and eight with European companies,” explains Magali Clavé-Henry, who develops those projects and partnerships for Rescoll. Very familiar with the Eurostars programme, Rescoll has been selected for funding three times and has already been granted nearly half a million euro. Next year Rescoll with its Danish partners Biomodics and the Danish Technological Institute will, develop catheters that prevent bladder infections and a new type of rubber with the Spanish Centro Tecnológico Riojano and a large company active in the automotive sector.

What is very interesting, and promising for the future, is that Rescoll has changed its model  and is able to support its clients to higher TRLs

“In the beginning, Rescoll was specialized in technical studies for innovative bonding processes. We now master a lot of different polymer materials, like composites, resins and coatings, but also related fields like 3D printing or environmentally-friendly surface treatments,” says Magali Clavé-Henry. Rescoll currently has 100 employees who assist SMEs without their own R&D department, but also big companies like Airbus, General Electric, Alstom and Louis Vuitton, in their search for better and, often, cheaper solutions. With its two facilities located in Rochefort and Pessac, both near Bordeaux – a city famous for wine but also its proximity to  the flourishing aerospace-sector in Toulouse – Rescoll has developed close relations with aircraft manufacturers. Some years ago, the company decided to diversify its business areas, including medical and energy sectors.

“I almost have one Eurostars application every year coming from Rescoll,” laughs Doriane Helary, account manager at Bpifrance in Bordeaux. “That is not surprising, they really are the champions of collaborative projects as their organization has been designed to interact with others.”

“What is very interesting, and promising for the future, is that Rescoll has changed its model and is able to support its clients to higher TRLs (technology readiness level) by offering manufacturing capabilities,” she adds. In 2015, Rescoll bought a chemical plant in the centre of France, where complex paint and other coatings can be produced.

“At Rescoll, we always have a lot of new projects in mind,” smiles Magali Clavé-Henry. No doubt that Rescoll will stay among the most active French applicants to the Eurostars programme.

Rescoll Eurostars projects:

Post date: 30-January-2018

More info : https://www.eurostars-eureka.eu/content/innovation-rhymes-collaboration