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Synthetic sports fields: The Government confirms that it seizes the anses and Recoll can do the analyses of the chemicals potentially present

Rescoll’Blog / 23 février 2018

The government will seize the National Food Safety Agency regarding the use of recycled rubbers in the manufacture of synthetic sports fields.

In a communiqué, the Ministries of Transition Ecology, health, Sports, economy, labour and agriculture are concerned about possible risks associated with "the use of recycled rubber aggregates". "Especially in the context of their use as sports fields and playgrounds for children", the text states.

The communiqué states, however, that the European Chemicals Agency has concluded at a low level of concern, "in view of the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons measured in pellets below the concentration limits Regulations ".


The Recoll laboratory can carry out for you all the analyses to determine the potential presence on your sports fields of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other chemicals potentially Harmful to health and/or the environment.

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To read the full article: Https://étiques-le-gouvernement-confirme-quil-saisit-lanses/ar-BBJsYBS