

18 janvier 2022

RESCOLL passe à la vitesse supérieure pour le développement du stockage cryogénique de l’hydrogène

Si l’hydrogène gazeux est couramment utilisé pour la mobilité terrestre, plus les applications ont besoin de puissance (aviation, ferroviaire, transport maritime), plus la solution de l’hydrogène liquide s’impose. Des verrous technologiques sont toutefois à relever au niveau du stockage car les véhicules (aéronefs, trains, bateaux, [...]

21 mars 2017

Meet RESCOLL at Aircraft Interiors Show in Hamburg on April 4 to 7!

RESCOLL will be present at the Aircraft Interiors Show from 4 to 6 April 2017 in Hamburg (Germany). The stand integrated in the french area will allow to highlight the expertise of RESCOLL for aeronautics. Aircraft Interiors Expo is the global must attend event to see the latest ideas and innovations from over 500 companies and […]

13 décembre 2016

RESCOLL: Implementing Europe's best "Cabin Interior" testing laboratory

As a result of the business merger between RESCOLL and CRITT MPC, there has emerged a laboratory specialized in Cabin Interior testing, which is the largest in Europe. RESCOLL’s expertise in domains such as fire and environmental tests, coupled with CRITT  MPC’s expertise in static and dynamic tests, now permits RESCOLL [...]
