RESCOLL at Spanish adhesion society congress.
RESCOLL will be present at Spanish Adhesion Society Congress in San Sebastian from September 28 to 29. Tomas Bergara, technical engineer, will give a conference about INDAR debonding process. This technology offers a simple and efficient solution to the disassembling of structural bonds. Based on the use of specific additives [...]
lireINDAR debonding process: structural debondable adhesive used for ground testing of GAIA segments
Rescoll Technological Center has developed and patented a debonding process, INDAR Inside®, that offers a simple and efficient solution to the disassembling on command of structural bonds. Based on the use of specific additives activated by heating at a certain temperature, this new technology drastically reduces the dismantling time [...]
lireINDAR (INnovative Disassembling Adhesives Research): a debonding process for structural debondable adhesives
Structural adhesives are nowadays widely used in numerous industries like automotive, aerospace, avionics or microelectronics … for many reasons such as easy processing or weight and cost savings. A strong effort has been achieved so far to enhance the level of adherence in structural assemblies and in [...]